“ When prayer goes viral, people are not excited about “it” (prayer) but are infectious about “Him ”
We do well to be reminded that the devil hates a praying leader and a praying church. When we begin to pray, we pick a fight with the devil at a whole new level. Yet, our calling is to be praying menaces to the enemy.
~ Daniel Henderson
One subtle arena of attack is in the area of pride. Praying people can become prideful about their praying. Non-participants can become prideful in their resistance. The enemy seeks to divide and conquer every initiative of prayer.
There is a difference between a church that prays and a praying church. One has prayer programs. The other develops a prayer culture.
I have concluded that the more we seek the Lord, with a passion for His worthiness, the more we are gripped with our neediness. Adoration cultivates desperation.