“ The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ”
We are often jealous of our little secrets, though to another ear they generally convey neither profit nor entertainment.
~ Eden Phillpotts
You are a cruel and lying species. You have not kept faith with evolution, you have not kept faith with yourselves, you have not kept faith with your own prophets and seers.
Nine-nine of every hundred among you probably desire peace, while the balance may hold war a condition to be preferred; but what can be the mental norm of statesmanship where such a minority conquer the peace-lovers?
To make the State your god is to worship an idol, for the State is a man-made creation arising naturally out of tribal communion; but the soul, if such there be, is a god-made miracle and above all national or patriotic standards – the supreme and eternal reality.