“ It's amazing how many things you can do when you're just pretending. ”
When people ask me what L.A. was like in the sixties, I tell them there wasn't as much terrible stucco as there is today: no mini malls with their approximation of Spanish two-story buildings, no oversized SUVs bulging out of parking-space lines. What used to say Spanish-style is now something diseased looking. Nobody seems to know how to stucco anymore.
~ Kim Gordon
Marriage is a long conversation, someone once said, and maybe so is a rock band's life. A few minutes later, both were done.
Families are like little villages. You know where everything is, you know how everything works, your identity is fixed, and you can't really leave, or connect with anything or anybody outside, until your physically no longer there.
All that young-girl idealism is someone else's now.