Much of your strength as a woman can come from the resolve to replenish and fill your own well and essence first, before taking care of others.
~ Miranda J. Barrett
Release the story and the truth will be revealed. Release the past and the present will reveal itself. Embrace the future and walk through your fears. Dig out the weeds and the flowers will blossom. Speak your Truth and your life will become manifest.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
You have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandmother was.
By gazing inward the true reflection of the self is revealed.
As a human being, we are on a continuous journey of self-discovery and experience.
Unveiling the lies that we live by can ultimately help reveal the truth.
If you listen to the beginning of the whispers you will not have to hear the shouts.
Change can only begin with awareness.
By honoring and responding to your natural and essential requirements for sleep, food, water and movement, you will rise out of the realm of survival into the world of fulfillment.
As you build trust in yourself, your ability to expand your vision and fully live in your magnificence is amplified.
You should never make a decision the day before your period.
As you become your own advocate and your own steward, your life will beautifully transform.
Just saying an intention and leaving it at that will not necessarily result in an outcome, if there is a stronger, more primal belief behind the scenes.
If you are noticing your desires are not coming to fruition, it is time to dive into the unconscious world to discover what other belief may be stronger.
It is not always about what you eat and drink. Rather it can be about what you are not eating and drinking, for which the body is desperately craving!
Play with your ideals and laugh at the limitations of your mundane life.