Too many irons, not enough fire.
~ S. Kelley Harrell
Online review sites are the slushpiles of feedback.
I don't argue things being spiritual vs scientific, because I've never met anyone who knows enough about either to be convincing--including myself.
By bringing a soulful consciousness to gardening sacred space can be created outdoors.
Regardless of geographical region or culture gardening is perhaps the most common and shared experience of Nature.
Have intention, sacred will travel.
The more I work with Nature and totemism, the more church is everywhere.
We can’t turn our true selves off and on situationally and expect them to carry and sustain us. Rationing creativity results in bipolarism of the spirit. Our creativity is also our life force. When we turn it off and on like a spigot, we start to become less and less able to control the valve.
If we didn't have shadow we'd just sit around loving the light, likely doing nothing with it.
You don't find light by avoiding the darkness.
Loving someone but not trusting them is a spiritual emergency.
Children arrive animists. They learn about life, themselves, and empathy by imagining the liveliness of everything they come into contact with.
I think that being a soul in flesh is really challenging and we should all give ourselves more credit.
When we accomplish one thing, our ego wants to bask in the glory, though our soul is ready to move on to the next.
All wisdom contracts then expands, contracts then expands. That is how consciousness evolves.
Our Soul Allies light the fire in those initial visits, but it’s up to us to keep it burning.
Though it doesn’t feel like it, crisis places us front and center of desire, which is the force of power.
a quick turn around a cornerand my planet becomes sandon the shore of a dying Universe
Being healed means committing to use your resources and knowledge.
Healing is active involvement in your process, ongoing.
Healing stories are magickal tales born from personal tribulation and victory, which are then shared.
Often it isn’t the initiating trauma that creates seemingly insurmountable pain, but the lack of support after.
We don't heal in isolation, but in community.
The soul is infinite, made up of aspects that come and go all the time. It’s our nature for parts of the soul to travel while we meditate or dream. Through this process we grow, we learn new thoughts, thus desires, and our consciousness evolves.
Unless we can interpret that ecstatic trip in a way that better grounds our physical reality, trance isn’t worth much.
What people resist the most about spiritual healing is changing their minds.
In the end, bless the darkness, hold the light, because the two aren't divisible.
Need is choice come to fruition.
When I say ‘practice’ I don’t meanrepeating an act until you get it right. In this use, it means to instill regular discipline to accomplish a specific task, ritual without which we feel incomplete, or that our experience of each day is less.
A racist notion found in neoshamanic circles is placing high value on indigenous wisdom but not on indigenous people.
If I can only write my memoir once, how do I edit it?
The body is more than the temple of the soul. It’s the grounded celebration of its rapture.
Being present is being connected to All Things.
The reality is, it takes daily cultivation of a spiritual path, preferably with spiritual kin in proximity, to sustain not the feeling of elation, but the focused, mindful path of steady growth.
I think the common experience is that modern shamans are called by the spirits, we just don’t have a collective belief system or community that recognizes the calling for what it is.
Engaging spirits isn’t an elitist ability or industry, it’s being active in the connection with All Things. It’s innate to us all.
It's important to talk about fringe-of-the-fringe experiences, not just to show the humanity of intuitives, but to show humanity the commonness of intuition.
Recognizing the connection to All Things, even in creepy moments, keeps me true to my animistic perspective. Finding growth from them is my choice.
What we believe spirit visitors to be influences how they affect our lives. What we believe ourselves to be dictates how we react to them.
Symbols are miracles we have recorded into language.