The world will lose its treasures if everyone depends on someone to think for him/her! The world will lose its pleasures if everyone depends on someone to make him/her happy!
~ Israelmore Ayivor
You don’t need to provide answers to question like “why were you born?”. Be committed to what excites you and what excites you will provide the answers!
The binding factor between knowing something and doing it is passion. When your passion is concentrated in what you know, your work output will bind well.
One major way to avoid shifting blames unto other people is to accept and agree that the efforts that turn the loads of your self- improvement have to turn on your own pivot.
Be responsible. Your abilities ensure that you respond to the responsibilities that you encounter daily.
To shape a dream well, understand that it is going to happen through processes in which your hands must get on board. It takes your own responsibility to get the best dream shape
The desired shape your dreams take is directly proportional to the practical presentation of the theoretical skills that you have learnt.
Never wake up waiting to hear a command from someone before you make a move, be responsible! Never repeat what made you to waste an hour of yesterday, be accountable!
You may work with 100% capacity every day and may not be seen by anybody for recommendation. This does not mean you should give up! The day you will decide to work at 40% may be the day you'll be seen by the person who is meant to recommend you for higher profile opportunities!
Before you point fingers at someone, clean them well. You better remove that log on your lens before you can see the speck on someone's own afar!
It’s is not a surprising news that manna should fall from heaven in these days. But this manna will fall for those who cultivated manna farms on the clouds above! He who sow will reap, isn't it?