What happens when I love, you ask, does the world start making sense? No, my dear, it does not. But it won’t matter to you then.
~ Kamand Kojouri
Why this candle?Why this cake?The day of my birth is not today.I was born when you said, 'Hey.
You just wait.Soon, lovers all over the worldwill be reciting poems dedicated to you.This is my promise.
All this waiting.Waiting for the rain to stop. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for the bill. Waiting at the airport for an old friend.Waiting to depart. Then, there’s the big waiting: waiting to grow up. Waiting for love. Waiting to show youryour parents that when you have kids you’ll be different. Waiting to retire. Waiting for death. Why do we think waitingis the antithesis of lifewhen it is almostall of it?
I'll forget me.You forget you.We can be onetogether, happily.
Fell in love first,Fell in love quickly—Like I was pushed.Fell in love next,Fell in love slowly—Like I was strolling.Falling in love now And feeling crazy.Thinking of closing my eyesAnd jumping.