If success is yet to become a reality in your life, you haven't exhausted your willpower.
~ Hafiz
You could pay for power, but would never buy dignity.
You are as special and important as everyone else that walks on the face of the earth. We were all created by the same Almighty Goad. So be proud of who God has uniquely created you to be. You are very special in His eyes.
No matter what life throws at you, never stop loving it. Obstacles are meant to be conquered.
The answer to every adversity lies in courageously moving forward with faith.
When one achieves massive success, unenlightened minds say, It's all about luck. But if you were to ask me, I would say, It is the mighty reward of faith, confidence, courage, patience, relentlessness and resiliency.
As long as you invite faith, courage, and perseverance to become your daily companions, every test would inevitably mature into a testimony in your life.
When life throws trials and tribulations towards you, shield your destiny with courage, faith and perseverance.
Every great story begins with a very courageous step into the land of the unknown.
Never give your enemies a reason to celebrate your lack of courage.
A life without integrity, faith, courage and a positive purpose, is an unnecessary gamble with no positive possibility.
Always protect your heart with unconditional self-love, faith and courage.
In you lies the courage and perseverance to endure and conquer any battle. But the question is, are your frequent thoughts cheering for your victory or constantly focusing on your weaknesses?
There is absolutely no difference between a dreamer and a non-dreamer, if the dreamer's dream is not accompanied with faith, courage, perseverance, patience, and consistent actions. Every dream needs some consistent actions in order to give birth to success.
This is definitely the wrong time to allow fear and doubts to hold you back. Push yourself far away from your fearful past and into a blissful and prosperous future. God is your guide, protection wisdom, courage and strength. You were born to experience greatness.
A life of success demands that you never starve your dreams from the actions, courage, and faith that they consistently need.
When positive attitudes meet with faith, courage, consistency and perseverance, miracles tend to happen.
Before every great reward, comes the footprints of persistency, consistency, perseverance, courage, faith and patience.
Happiness is what happens when you build the level of awareness and courage to continuously identify, challenge, and replace your negative thoughts and beliefs.
It's time for you to step up with courage and fight tirelessly to take back all that your fears and doubts have stolen from you.
Keep pushing with faith, hope and courage, for there is a very valuable prize waiting for you at the end of your struggle.
Your true destiny is desperately waiting on you to start thinking, acting, and walking with faith and courage.
You weren't born to live a life of failure. God brought you into this world to fight with faith and courage until each and every one of your battles is won. So by all means, always keep your mind strong, head up, and keep on fighting.
There is no greater success than turning your true passion into a dream, and seeing its reality come to manifestation.
Passion is the mother of every greatness.
Passion is a greater height of motivation that keeps you going strong even when the end is far from being near.
We all have something amazingly special in us, and you solely owe it to yourself to discover yours.
The gift of life is the only privilege you desperately need to turn your goals and dreams into realities.
Your dreams are desperately counting on you to introduce them to their realities.
Try not to waste your entire life working just to earn a paycheck. Seek to discover what your true passion in life is, and start working on turning it into an empire of your own.
Why spend a lifetime wishing for things a lot of people already possess in their lives? Your greatness lies in persistently going after your desires.
In order to live in the reality of your God's given destiny, you must consistently guard your mind against all self-defeating thoughts and beliefs.
God's opinions of you are the only unchangeable realities of your life.
In order to live in the reality of your God's given destiny, you must consistently guard your mind against all self-defeating thoughts.
If you deprive your mind from positive thinking, it would in return starve you from positive living.
A life without positive thinking is a dire threat to one's destiny.
Positive thinking is the best gift that you can give to your mind, and the best part of it all, is that it is absolutely free.
The power of positive thinking doesn't assure a fulfilled life unless it is accompanied with one's true purpose in life.
The taste of unconditional happiness can never be achieved without the ingredients of positive thinking and interpretations.
It makes no sense rushing to become a parent if you are not going to be a good one. No child deserves anything less than unconditional love and positive guidance. Our nation and the world as a whole desperately need some generations of well nurtured children.