If you fail to become the author of your life, the society wouldn't hesitate to write it for you.
~ Hafiz
When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.
A nation is only great when its citizens fall in love with the art of dwelling in peace and unity.
Even the top motivational speakers and inspirational writers are constantly reading books from other self-improvement people, because they truly understand that knowledge has no limit to it.
The habit of upgrading your mind with self-development messages is highly important, if you desire to reach the pinnacle of your true destiny in life.
If it doesn't look like success, it isn't your true destiny on earth.
Quitting is only for those who are doubtful of their destiny.
If it has failure written all over it, it's definitely not your portion in life.
The land of victory is desperately waiting on your arrival, and your destiny demands that you never let your fears and doubts turn you into a failure.
The destinies of all followers lie in the hands of their leaders.
Positivity is the vault of every destiny.
As long as God hasn't counted us out from the realities of our destines, victory will always be ours.
Success becomes inevitable when you fence your destiny with God's word.
Give today the gifts of creativity and productivity, and it would reward you with a better tomorrow.
No matter how high you climb, there will always be a room for you to turn your creativity and productivity up some notches.
You must be willing to go through some tough tests, if you wish to witness a future full of great testimonies.
You owe it to your inner-self to never allow your past to take the place of your present or future.
Even while in the midst of failures, focus on your future victories.
You can never deceive or manipulate the future. Whatever it is you contribute towards it, is exactly what it will compensate you for.
When your journey to success gets extremely tough, use your past accomplishments as your motivation to keep pushing forward. You did it in the past, and you can also do it again in the present, and in the future.
If you think that your life is amazing, wait till you see what God has lined up for you in the future. But remember, you have to keep pushing forward with bigger goals and ideas.
Never permit your negative past to come in-between you and the possibilities and opportunities that lie in your present and future.
Any belief that doesn't add any positive value to your present or future, absolutely doesn't belong in your mind.
Life leaves no one behind unless one's beliefs do.
Whatever belief that doesn't make you happier, stronger, healthier or wiser, surely doesn't deserve to be sheltered in your mind.
Many people are living unhappily because they keep trying to experience happiness without evicting the negative thoughts and beliefs that are vandalizing their minds.
Happiness is nothing but a state of mind which only your thoughts and beliefs could place you in.
You owe it to your destiny to never allow your thoughts and beliefs to go against your positive desires.
If whatever belief you are holding on to isn't driving you forward in life, then it's time to let it go and let the opposite take charge.
Whatever thought or belief that cannot produce happiness or growth in your life, doesn't belong in your mind.
In order to live up to your full potential on earth, you must always challenge and replace any thought or belief that goes against your happiness and success.
Negative thoughts and beliefs are poisons to one's true destiny on earth.
Your mind is too precious to bear negative thoughts and beliefs in it.
You must refuse to entertain or shelter in your mind, any thought or belief that goes against your happiness and success in life.
You owe it to your destiny to never allow your mind to become a playground for negative thoughts and beliefs.
Your mind is definitely not meant to entertain and shelter any thought that goes against your positive desires. You should always be on guard against all self-defeating thoughts and words.
Negative experiences don't create fears, doubts, anger, grudges, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, jealousy, stress or depression; one's repeated negative interpretations of them do.
Repeated positive interpretations of one's negative experiences are the greatest medicines for stress and depression.
Before the state of stress or depression comes some frequent negative interpretations of one's experiences.
Ignoring to change your thoughts and beliefs wouldn't fail to cause your negative mood to remain unchanged.