Spend time with people who enrich your mind, nourish your heart, and illuminate your soul.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Temporary friends sometimes bring us to permanent blessings.
But that’s the way life is; felicity and expiation play together in the narrow lanes of life like bosom friends, inseparable. You find one, and the other is always around the corner.
~ Anurag Shourie
Conversations between friends are the craziest and funniest of all.
~ Mohith Agadi
I have a wide circle of friends, wide enough to keep them away from me.
~ Ljupka Cvetanova
Life experiences shared with a friend will turn into memories to be enjoyed.
~ James Hauenstein
Marry your friend, and you will be reasonably happy. Marry your lover, and you will be abundantly happy. Marry your soulmate, and you will be infinitely happy.
If you have no one, you are poor; if you have an acquaintance, you are fortunate; if you have a friend, you are privileged; if you have a lover, you are rich; if you have a soulmate, you are wealthy.
Don’t try to make anyone like you. Work on you and the right people will be drawn to you. Mind games consume energy that could have been used on something more productive and fulfilling.
~ Izey Victoria Odiase
If they don't like you for who you are, it means they're not meant to be in your life.
Love lost is better than hate found. True criticism is better than false praise. Genuine enemies are better than counterfeit friends.
If you kiss her cheeks, she is your friend; if you kiss her lips, she is your lover; if you kiss her heart, she is your soul mate.
Joy is the best companion, virtue is the noblest acquaintance, wisdom is the cleverest friend, and love is the kindest soul mate.
Joy is a loyal companion, love is a faithful friend, fear is a terrible adversary, and hatred is a merciless enemy.
Love your friends with your eyes closed, but love your enemies with both eyes open.
Love treats its enemies better than hate treats its friends.
Genuine friends will NOT be intimidated by your success. They will be happy for you and celebrate you! Don’t fool yourself, jealousy and friendship do NOT mix.
~ Stephanie Lahart
You miss a lot of a person’s life when you don’t keep in touch. Maybe that’s the point.
~ Bryant A. Loney
Friendship! That bond shared, not with the one you see every day but with the one that has got your back any day.Well, that seems so hard to find these days.So just be the best friend to yourself until you have found a best friend like yourself.
~ Olaotan Fawehinmi
In poverty, friends are few; in prosperity, acquaintances are numerous; in affluence, associates are countless.
Leave beauty marks in the lives of those you meet, not scars.
Behind you, leave your enemies. Beside you, keep your family. Around you, maintain your friends. Within you, treasure God.
A flower takes a while to grow, but can die in an instant; this is how it is with trust.
It is wise to buy acquaintances, but foolish to buy friends.
You are no greater than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome.
Time is your acquaintance, life is your friend, death is your enemy, and existence is your soulmate.
It is better to help an enemy than to harm a friend.
Learn from acquaintances, and you are clever; from friends, and you are intelligent; from enemies, and you are shrewd; but learn from all, and you are wise.
Time is your acquaintance. Life is your friend. Death is your opponent. Eternity is your companion.
A shrewd enemy will teach you more than a foolish friend.
If you live in the desert, view the sun not as your enemy, but as your friend. If you live in the wilderness, view nature not as your adversary, but as your companion.
A kind stranger is better than an uncaring friend.
Those who laugh with you when you laugh are acquaintances, those who cry with you when you cry are companions, and those who do both are friends.
In my youth I had three teachers: friends, enemies, and books. In my adulthood I had three professors: God, nature, and life.
One who thinks for himself is a threat to his enemies, a refuge to his acquaintances, a prize to his friends, and a gift to the world.
Ignorance is your opponent, fear is your enemy, vice is your adversary, virtue is your friend, and wisdom is your helper.
If you have a house but no home, you are homeless; knowledge but no wisdom, you are imprudent; acquaintances but no friends, you are lonely; money but no happiness, you are poor; and life but no joy, you are lifeless.
Cheerfulness will help you draw strangers, cleverness will help gain acquaintances, faithfulness will help you keep companions, and kindness will help you multiply friends.
You don’t choose the music your enemies play, but you choose which songs you dance to.
Don't downgrade your dreams to upgrade your relationships.