Whoever said ignorance is bliss must have died a horrible death with a really surprised look on his face.
~ Lisa Shearin
A lie travels round the world while truth is putting her boots on.
~ French Proverb
Hold mirth tight against your breast, but answer every injury with bladed heart.
~ Chris Galford
An old fool is worse than a young one: For the young may always grow wise. (Zohair)
~ Idries Shah
Do not drown yourself into fantasy, whatever you can do, do it now, do not wait for tomorrow to come.
~ Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Do a bit research before you plan.
Life consists on lightness and darkness, when you reached to lightness, prepare your tools for darkness
The virtuous man delights in this world and he delights in the next
~ Gautama Buddha
Whoever is to be wise despises himself. Only the ignorant trust their own judgement.
When the Lord's request comes, will remove all other demands.
You can tease it's mane all you like, but you can't turn a house cat into a lion.
~ Anne Fortier
Before the antidote arrives from Iraq The man with snake-bite will be dead.
The bowl is warmer than the soup.
When tomorrow comes, think tomorrow's thoughts.
There are as many paths to Truth as there are souls of men.
The hearts of the noble are the graves of confidences.
The skilled artisan uses the same iron to make a horseshoeAs he does for a polished mirror for the King.
God provides the food, men provide the cooks.
The fruit of timidity is neither gain nor loss.
When you get a principle on which everyone is agreed, you get the beginning of complacency and deterioration.
Whatever goes into a salt-mine becomes salt.
Of whom can we think well when it is believed that if nothing bad is done to you, this has been a kindness?
Brave is the thief who carries a lamp in his hand.
When sense has left a head, it should be called a tail.
If you want to be a calligrapher, write, and write, and write.
No effort makes a black crow into a white hawk.
Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness.
The sort of man who, throwing a stone upon the ground, would miss.
Much smoke has been seen, and caused great fear of fire — even when no fire ensued.
Man has less than he suspects of: Time, Friends, Hopes, Qualities.Proverb
A stolen kiss is not easily returned.
You will never reach Mecca, I fear: for you are on the road to Turkestan.
Take the straight path, even if it is long: marry no widow, even if she is a houri.
What goes into a salt-mine becomes salt.
The power of Allah: no sound, no shape, no form. But when it manifests, none can resist it.
No colour comes after black.
Learning without action is like wax without honey.(Anwar-i-Suhaili)
A loan is the scissors of friendship.A man's own tongue may cut his throat.The cage has no value without the bird.
THE HEAVENSTo the mallet of the Highest MindThe heavens are the smallest possible ball.(Akhlaq-i-Mohsini)
Whoever has taught me one letter has made me his slave.