If you want to be happy now, love now; if you want to be happy later, love later; but if you want to be happy always, love always.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
On the other side of worry you find hope, on the other side of fear you find love, on the other side of anger you find peace, and on the other side of unbelief you find God.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is your greatest asset, fear is your greatest liability, and joy is your greatest reward.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
If you want the world to know how truly beautiful you are, love everyone.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Your knowledge can stir the world, your intellect can move it, your wisdom can shake it, but only your love can truly change it.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love has two rules: the first one is love, and the second one is love some more.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
It is impossible for love to enter your heart without leaving footprints on your soul.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Knowledge offers you strength. Wisdom promises you influence. Understanding assures you wealth. Love guarantees you power.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Give of yourself to others and others will give of themselves to you.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
When you love, you forgive; when you forgive, you love.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Wisdom paints a rainbow in your mind, joy paints a rainbow in your heart, and love paints a rainbow in your soul.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love hopes. Love helps. Love heals. Love hears.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love has never been conquered, not even by the greatest army.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
One who forgives his enemies conquers them, one who loves his enemies conquers himself.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The loudest preacher in the world is your conscience, the cleverest is wisdom, the rowdiest is passion, the surest is truth, the purest is love, and the highest is God.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Learn from the sun; it is warm to everyone, and is therefore never in short supply of those who adore it.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The greatest profit you make in business is not money, but happiness. The greatest riches you give in life are not possessions, but love. The greatest treasures you acquire in life are not jewels, but joy.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
If you have money, you are affluent; if you have joy, you are wealthy; and if you have love, you are rich.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is more powerful than even the sun; light can only enter your eyes, but love can enter your soul.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The most valuable real estate in the universe is inside your soul.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
If you put all of your eggs in love’s basket, joy will hatch.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
There is no gem like virtue, no wealth like happiness, no treasure like faith, and no jewel like love.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love has the mind of a sage, the heart of a saint, and the soul of an angel.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Love makes you the richest person in the world, no matter how poor you are.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The most expensive jewels are not found around our necks, but in our hearts.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The universe offers you three things that money cannot buy: joy, love, and life.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Embrace all. Help some. Trust few. Harm none.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Joy is a loyal companion, love is a faithful friend, fear is a terrible adversary, and hatred is a merciless enemy.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The most valuable things in your life are always the things that money cannot buy.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Hate is strong, fear is mighty, jealousy is powerful, but love is invincible.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Before you look for dirt in people, look for treasure.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
If you want to be happy, love. If you want to be happier, love some more.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
One who loves lives a thousand years in one day, one who hates only lives one day in a thousand years.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Nature hides its secrets in wisdom, the universe hides its secrets in love.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo