The word ‘believe’ is an important factor in you securing your success.
~ Stephen Richards
Your life depends entirely on your reactions to the accountability that you are faced with.
To be a power to reckon with you need to believe in yourself and your dreams.
If you go through the biography of any famous personality you idolize you are sure to see the how the words ‘I can’ and ‘I believe’ played a very vital role in their fame.
When you are desperately grabbing at straws all you get is a handful of weeds.
A person who won’t do it has no advantage over someone who can’t do it.
Pure potentiality is a phrase that denotes that pure consciousness is the true essence that lies in us.
Mind power is my art …… so bring the canvas of your mind closer and I will create a masterpiece.
The subconscious mind is nothing but an energy field or mental level that resonates in line with the universal subjectivity.
When you use positive words it naturally has a very dynamic effect on the energy present around you.
If you build your faith with the limitations as the foundation, you tend to obstruct the realization of your goals easily.
Your level of your concentration decides the extent of the realization of your dreams.
Always stay strong to your dream because when you lose sight of it then that is when your dream dies!
Be first: achieve every dream.
You will find your horizons expanding and your thought processes becoming more creative. That is true mind power!
Laughter is the most powerful weapon against verbal attack anyone can have.
Physically it is impossible for a bee to fly, but because it believes it can then it can.
Positive thoughts and words will create a force inside you that communicates with the outside world and brings about profusion in all things around you.
If you want to surpass the stages of doubt and secure better communication between your inner and outer body it is wise to surpass the challenge of the words ‘if only’.
Over the years you have been subjected to a great deal of mind propaganda which has resulted in you reaching the ceiling of maximum potential by virtue of your current limited mindset.
Turning images from within our minds into reality is a gift we are all born with.
Overriding the old information in your mind with new information is easy, but to actually go further than just putting a veneer over your old mindset is the way forward.