Intelligence is just one dimension of ability. Don't limit yourself to it. Open up to instinct, intuition, creativity and thus possibility
~ Rasheed Ogunlaru
The human mind and what we've achieved with it is remarkable. But it does not come close to what we can do, be, see and heal with our hearts
The only place where to experience the invisible future is in the mind. The relationships we have with our minds make all the difference.
~ Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
And like anyone who is in valiant pursuit of a dream, the ups and downs come and go, but the dream lives in the heart forever.
~ Chris Michaels
The power of a positively programmed subconscious mind is undoubtedly immeasurable.
~ Hafiz
Success in whatever format it prevails is founded on how deeply we master the inner workings of our minds.