Faith moves mountains, love transforms hearts.
~ John Paul Warren
When you SEE into the invisible, you will DARE to do the impossible!
Moving forward implies MOTION when in all actuality it may be simply standing STILL and seeing the salvation of the Lord.
You can lose your MONEY. You can lose your FRIENDS. You can lose your JOB and you can lose your MARRIAGE...and still long as there is HOPE. Never lose HOPE.
There has never been a meaningful life built on easy street.
I must admit, that I have learned more from my negative experiences than I have ever learned from my positive one.
Faith UP! Your purpose is GREATER than all your PROBLEMS.
I would rather live short and right then long and wrong.
A true dreamer is one who knows how to navigate in the dark”.
Coming to the END of MYSELF and all SELF effort...seems to be the very point that God steps in and shows HIMSELF to be more than ENOUGH.
Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON.
There are two kinds of leaders, cowboys and Shepherds. Cowboys drive and Shepherds lead.
Life seems to be fashioned and formed best out of the obstacles that seem unbearable.
I have not learned a single lesson, been inspired or impacted by another person’s life void of negative experiences.
The real architect of a life is the hard and almost impossible circumstances one faces.
True leaders bring out your personal best. They ignite your human potential”.
Living life ONCE is enough...if you live life RIGHT.
Life of any real value or substance is not formed during good times merely enjoyed.
Cream always rises to the do good leaders.
I refuse to live life with unsettled differences”.
Stop counting your years and start enjoying your seasons.
It’s not just picking the right friends. It is being the right friend.
Belief has the power to change your inner state and your outer world.
If you perceive right you receive right. If you perceive wrong you receive wrong.
I define my life not by the things I have done, but by the people I have loved.
Too many in the Church today are likes babies in the nursery,they put everything in their mouth.
live as temporal, serve as eternal
You will never reach your dreams without honoring others along the way.
Count your blessings, discount you’re loses
Men of God are not just born, they are formed
Grace is not a little prayer you say before you eat. It is a way of life. Eph 2:8,9
You can stop a raging forest fire, a herd of stampeding buffalo or even a runaway freight train, but you can’t stop a good man.
The law provides expert diagnosis of our sin problem, but the law does not provide the cure to our sin problem. Only Jesus can!
The Holy Spirit never draws attention to Himself. He always points to and reveals Jesus.
Wearing your feelings on your sleeve will end up being a chip on your shoulder.
Life should be lived more from the heart than the head.
Jesus conformed to our image so we could be transformed into His likeness.
Grace is not just enough, it is more than enough. 2 Peter 1:2
When you GIVE under “compulsion” or “Grudgingly” you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving. God loves a cheerful (thankful) giver, which is giving under GRACE. 2 Cor 9:7
When you GIVE under “compulsion” or “Grudgingly” you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving.