We have to lend our voice to Christ by speaking on His behalf.
~ Sunday Adelaja
You can lose your MONEY. You can lose your FRIENDS. You can lose your JOB and you can lose your MARRIAGE...and still recover...as long as there is HOPE. Never lose HOPE.
~ John Paul Warren
I must admit, that I have learned more from my negative experiences than I have ever learned from my positive one.
Faith UP! Your purpose is GREATER than all your PROBLEMS.
I would rather live short and right then long and wrong.
A true dreamer is one who knows how to navigate in the dark”.
There are two kinds of leaders, cowboys and Shepherds. Cowboys drive and Shepherds lead.
True leaders bring out your personal best. They ignite your human potential”.
Live a life of purpose. Be a voice to be reckoned with. Do not be lost in the midst of the crowd. Contribute your own quota to the transformation going on where God planted you.
~ Benjamin Suulola
Stop counting your years and start enjoying your seasons.
Belief has the power to change your inner state and your outer world.
If you perceive right you receive right. If you perceive wrong you receive wrong.
I define my life not by the things I have done, but by the people I have loved.
live as temporal, serve as eternal
You will never reach your dreams without honoring others along the way.
Men of God are not just born, they are formed
Sometimes it takes a lowly, title-less man to humble the world. Kings, rulers, CEOs, judges, doctors, pastors, they are already expected to be greater and wiser.
~ Criss Jami
The greater ignorance towards a country is not ignoring what its politicians have to say, it is ignoring what the inmates in its prisons have to say.
You can stop a raging forest fire, a herd of stampeding buffalo or even a runaway freight train, but you can’t stop a good man.
When you GIVE under “compulsion” or “Grudgingly” you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving. God loves a cheerful (thankful) giver, which is giving under GRACE. 2 Cor 9:7
Grace is not a doctrine or a religion. It is a person, Jesus Christ.
The Church is Christ’s witness to the world of a loving savior and His redemptive plan for man.
Jesus did not command us to develop leaders. He commanded us to make disciples. The world develops leaders, the Church disciples them. The two are not the same.