It wouldn't be mind control, if you will know you've been under mind control.
~ Vicdo
Created visions of experiencing unreality.
Did you look for the truth?You can't find it, don't you. You can't find the truth, because we even creating it.
The best way to protect evil, to deny it existence.
What's happened with humanity, if was born inhuman man. 26.05.13
You are so beautiful, like water droplet.When I'm looking on water, inside the glass, I see nothing unusual, but when I look on water droplet, I see, how beautiful She is.
The Universe, is a woman - and she lives forever. 27.03.13
Whatever how much you know,if you don’t know, who you are, in what world you are living, or simply where you are, and from where you came from. Because if you do know, that's completely different story. 18.09.11
If you have no live, you serves them.
Today you closed your eyes on violence, tomorrow, the violence will close your eyes on you.
Every time when we think we smart, and following for mainstream, we've been used to kill ourselves. 08.07.11
We’ve been put into war, between body and soul. 28.06.11
The Lies, are so many,that eyes are getting blind.
If your brain is working, you always have no time.
The genius. This is a skill to interact with outside environment, or source.
The absence of wish, to analysis yourself, the surrounding world, and what you are doing. Is the logical, and philosophical proof, of zombie mind, and consciousness.