Your problems can never complicate your life without you complicating them with your interpretations.
~ Hafiz
The presence of a problem in your life isn't to give you something to worry and cry about, but to occupy you with solving it and growing from its process.
Proper positive positioning is the key to experiencing miracles.
No matter how tough your journey gets, it would never be tougher than your mind if your thoughts and beliefs are always in your favor.
Your enemies could dig a grave for your destiny, but only you could through it in it.
An overly negative circle is more dangerous to one's future than one's worst enemies.
Don't let your clothes, shoes, and accessories define who you are in life; rather, let a positive personality shine bright on you and earn you the respect you truly deserve.
As important as it is to work very hard on your dream, it is even more important to ensure that you are working with the right plan.
A negative circle is the enemy of a positive future.
No one could make you feel inferior without you already believing that you are.
If you don't want the world to judge you wrongly, then let your frequent decisions and actions clearly define who you truly are.
Those who don't care about the positive side of you, are too dangerous to have on your side.
Your world is only as big as your intellectual level.
The beginning of wisdom starts from persistently living up to your responsibilities in life, despite your circumstances.
It takes more than coming up with some great ideas to succeed in life. The land of success is only full of doers.
Great ideas without some consistent actions are nothing but some creative thoughts in one's mind.
A consistent doer who walks with faith has no reason to worry about the outcomes of the future.
Gratitude is one of the strongest pillars of a happy life.
They might not like your uniqueness, but as long as you are happy with your inner-self, you should never dare to change your life to please them.
True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance.
When you discover how to love yourself unconditionally, you would never desperately wait around for someone to fulfill your life.
Fall in love with your uniqueness because that's what makes your presence on earth a very special one.
Never give up without being greatly rewarded for all your struggles. Have faith in your future. Persist and persevere for however long it would take for your problem to become a history in your life.
Quite often, negativity deceives so many people to perceive their temporary situations as permanent conditions. This is why you must always remind yourself that no matter how dark it gets at night, the dawn always comes.
There are always some positive things happening in your life, but you would only notice them if you take your mind off from your negative experiences and start to focus on your daily blessings.
A life of failure could only be possible if one betrays oneself by giving up on one's true destiny to settle for failure.
Compromising is the only path that all happy couples travel on.
The most important thing you have in life is your God's given destiny. With that being said, dare not to ever permit people or things to take it away from you.
It's impossible to live in peace with your inner-self without appointing integrity as the author of your daily decisions and actions.
You don't have to be better than everyone in order to grow and achieve success, but you must continuously strive to become better than the person you were yesterday.
If you direct your beliefs and thoughts to always work in your favor, nothing else from the outside would succeed in dethroning you from the throne of your God's given destiny.
For every hour spent on worrying, is sixty minutes that could have been spent on seeking for some solutions.
Misery is the outcome of one's continuous negative evaluations of one's life.
Trials and tribulations only come into your life to test you, so you could make some testimonies out of them.
Don't allow anyone to become the master of your own beliefs and thoughts. No one owns the right to dictate the direction your life.
Despite where you stand in life at the moment, always remember that your presence on earth matters as much as everyone else's.
There is no such a thing as being weak minded by nature. No one can ever be weak minded without the constant presence of negative thoughts and beliefs in one's mind.
The roughness and toughness of the road that leads to success, make its prize very valuable.
We all go through struggles in life, but struggling with the same thing for the rest of your life, is definitely a choice you don't have to choose. Your true potential is far greater than your struggles, challenges and obstacles.
The mind can start to work in your favor or against you at any given time. It's a matter of turning your thoughts and beliefs around.