Once you realize that everything in the Universe is connected then you will have a better understanding of the fundamental nature of manifesting.
~ Stephen Richards
What is energy? Everything is energy.
~ Stephen Richards
The higher the vibration, the more positive the events or people you attract and likewise.
~ Stephen Richards
Time is manmade! It is simply an invention! Believe it or not, time only exists here on earth for us humans.
~ Stephen Richards
Your attitudes towards others affect what you think about yourself.
~ Stephen Richards
The second step that comes right after taking responsibility for everything that occurs in your life is to let go of all that you do not feel good about.
~ Stephen Richards
The first step to reclaim your power to control your own life is to take responsibility for your life completely.
~ Stephen Richards
To make initial inroads into manifesting a new life, first one has to acknowledge their current life.
~ Stephen Richards
Just as you first eat with your eyes, you also first desire things with your subconscious mind!
~ Stephen Richards
No matter what you say to someone else, you always hear it first.
~ Stephen Richards
A thoughtform is rather like electricity … it must first be created and then discharged in order to exist.
~ Stephen Richards
Just think how many thousands of years nature has spent sculpting rocks for us! I can tell you, I have learned that just because it was that way yesterday, it does not mean that it should be that way tomorrow.
~ Stephen Richards
Unlocking the power of your subconscious mind is a simple process, requiring only your willingness and effort.
~ Stephen Richards
Being able to unlock your subconscious mind depends on knowing what you want before you can achieve it.
~ Stephen Richards
One BIG thing you overlooked when setting out on living the adventure of being wealthy was that you overlooked your current reality!
~ Stephen Richards
Imagine repeating the power words ‘love’ or ‘happiness’ for five minutes twice a day for the rest of your life, amazing things could happen.
~ Stephen Richards
You can create financial abundance by having a positive relationship with money.
~ Stephen Richards
Everything is energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed or mutated from one form to another.
~ Stephen Richards
When you begin to entertain the more positive possibilities, hope for the best, plan for the best and expect the best, your eventual attraction of the best possible circumstances is almost guaranteed.
~ Stephen Richards
Abundance does not come in packages, it comes from the happiness within.
~ Stephen Richards
Serenity within the chaos of life is there to be discovered, just look within yourself for it.
~ Stephen Richards
It is high time that you break the shackles of separatism and with the glorious flames of love, compassion and humanism in heart, you assimilate the goodness from all around you. Let love and compassion reign over the modern human civilization and hatred be a matter of ancient history.
~ Abhijit Naskar
A mindset that understands order, is a mindset that can understand leadership.
~ Wayne Chirisa
Some people need a super hero to save them, but I am my own super hero. All I need is myself, my strengths and the fiery passions in my heart to overcome the obstacles in my life.
~ Imania Margria
Beauty is not defined by your physical features. It is defined by the heart inside your chest and the love that flows through it.
~ Imania Margria
Capture my heart and my mind. Become my ultimate challenge, greatest vexation, strongest desire, and most precious blessing.
~ Imania Margria
I always look towards the light of my desires, so I never forget where I'm going.
~ Imania Margria
When we release all the negativity in our lives and notice the beauty all around us, we'll see what truly matters in life.
~ Imania Margria
Even if I don't have wings to fly, I'll close my eyes and open my heart; then I'll make love my wings and hope the winds that give me flight.
~ Imania Margria
My heart is on the brink of a world so foreign that it feels like a fantasy. Blessed do I feel when I think of your heart which is so warm that it melts the frozen world we live in. Blessed I am with all of you that I hold near and dear to my heart.
~ Imania Margria
Primo, si deve ricordare che il vostro sogno può essere realizzato con o senza che qualcuno di aiuto.Secondo, il miglior aiuto proviene dal vostro cuore e dalla vostra mente.(First, you must remember that your dreams can be realized with or without others' help.Second, the best help comes from your heart and mind.)
~ Imania Margria
No matter what happens in your life, keep an open heart and mind with a gentle smile. It's the true beauty of the heart.
~ Imania Margria
Mystery is what makes women, woman. A woman without mystery is no woman. She is a girl who has yet discovered the depths of her heart.
~ Imania Margria
The heart is a rare, unique treasure because it is strong and vulnerable at the same time. It is strong in its persistence to sustain life, yet it is vulnerable to both emotional and physical wounds.
~ Imania Margria
No matter where we come from, there is one language we can all speak and understand from birth, the language of the heart, love.
~ Imania Margria
Death, like so much in life, is a lesson, which must be understood and cherished, not feared; it is a rite of passage we all must encounter at one time or another; it helps build our character and makes us stronger if we can endure its painful aftermath.
~ Imania Margria
We shouldn't live in a world where we live in constant terror. We need less dying and more living. We need less destroying and more building. We need less hate and more love.
~ Imania Margria