I had learned quickly that life doesn't always go the way I want it to, and that's okay. I still plod on.
~ Sarah Todd Hammer
People who don't see you every day have a hard time understanding how on some days--good days--you can run three miles, but can barely walk across the parking lot on other days,' [my mom] said quietly.
~ Jennifer Starzec
I often wished that more people understood the invisible side of things. Even the people who seemed to understand, didn't really.
The video was still playing, although I didn't know why. It seemed as if the able-bodied dancers were mocking me.
The thought of being able to [move my arms] made me want to give up my legs [instead] since I was accustomed to using them. But, I figured that after a few hours of sitting in a wheelchair...I would switch back...in a flash.
The weekend was a much-needed breath of fresh air; Monday always seemed to not only take that breath right back, but add a few extra pounds to my shoulders as well.
Dancing with a spinal cord injury is a challenge like no other, but I aspired to prove to myself that I could still be phenomenal dancer even with an SCI
As I sat up I turned my head to the side, but immediately straightened it again when I felt a sharp pain shoot through my neck.
A blur. That’s what it felt like to me
All of a sudden, my right hand was dead, unplugged, and my left was definitely not working right.
I could feel the bite of the autumn air, warning us all of the harsh winter that was on its way.