The thought of a man is futile. But the word of God is flawless.
~ Lailah Gifty
God is a witness to anything done in secret.
Every secret deed lays opened before God.
To doubt the existence of God is the greatest delusion.
For lack of knowledge of the Holy One, we perish in sin of hell.
The greatest KNOWLEDGE is the knowledge of GOD.
Do not forget your Creator in the days of your youth.
Until a man love God, can he love his neighbour.
A man only misfortune is to forsake his Maker.
Faith is a sweet fellowship with God.
A sin confessed, a guilt cleared by grace.
The faithfulness of God is forever sure.
Every good gift comes from God.
Is there any knowledge that refreshes the soul, renew the spirit, and restored the body like the study of the Holy Scriptures?
It is not by strength that one prevails. But by the grace of prayer in the spirit of perseverance.
A man need is pain to be delivered from the pleasure of sin.
It is better for your heart than your head to be your eye.
There are many books, but One holy book, the HOLY BIBLE.
Whoever confesses his sins, shall obtain the mercy of God's grace.
Do not defile your body. It is a temple for the Holy spirit to dwell.
The pleasure of sins is pain in the soul.
Repentance brings restoration.
The word of God is a divine doctrine.
Restoration brings refreshment.
With the grace of prayer, we shall prevail.
All men have One Master, the Maker.
There is consequence for every action.