God's breath is like a fresh wind that renews us. Frail and weak as we are,we have hope. We find healing.
~ Jocelyn Soriano
To love is to risk, and to risk is to lose sometimes, to get hurt. But let it not deter you from loving again, from being happy.
Life does not end when a relationship ends, just like life doesn't start when a relationship starts.
~ Mary Mihalic
And then he was gone. Leaving nothing but the swish of the front door, and a mountain of possibilities in his wake.
~ Stacie Hammond
He will be sorry for the way he treated you, Don't you worry about that. Focus on your growth and watch his eyes gaze in sorrow as he knows, he was the bastard that made you strong.
~ Nikki Rowe
You're not really moving on when you jump from someone who broke your heart to a new replacement. Moving on is self reflection and being strong enough to stand on your own.
~ Auliq Ice
Treat me like a joke, watch me leave you like its funny
That's life, You know . Dreams come true, just to get ripped away the millisecond you begin to let down your guard and let someone in. And thus the circle waits to begin anew.
~ Jacob Daniel Plunkett
If you want to call it quits, just tell me. Man up and say it to my face. Don’t just skulk around.
~ J.m. Richards