When you turn your dreams on there is no off switch.
~ Stephen Richards
Create your own out of the box thinking, create your own box.
~ Stephen Richards
If being in the NOW doesn’t work, don’t worry as there is always another one tomorrow!
~ Stephen Richards
Ignorance breeds success.
~ Stephen Richards
Follow your heart. It will lead you to where you need to be.
~ Avis J. Williams
The difficulties and challenges in your life are the lessons you need to learn to grow and development.
~ Avis J. Williams
Failures and mistakes are lessons to be learned from. They are opportunities for growth.
~ Avis J. Williams
We are all teachers, we all have knowledge and experiences that can teach others.
~ Avis J. Williams
Your past karma is what you found difficult or challenging in this life. To heal your past karma you would need to learn your life lessons for this life.
~ Avis J. Williams
You must realize that money is not good or evil, it is a tool for expressing your creative energy in the physical world.
~ Stephen Richards
Your beliefs attract to you the life you experience.
~ Stephen Richards
For success we need to focus with a converging thought process.
~ Stephen Richards
You can radically alter the worth of your life when you develop inner voices that serve and support your true purpose.
~ Stephen Richards
Stop wasting any more time looking outside of 'you' for what is not there. Look within and you will find the treasure you seek.
~ Stephen Richards
A self-limiting belief is no stronger than the flimsy rope that tethers an elephant by its foot.
~ Stephen Richards
Repeating positive installing statements for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day neutralizes the effects of the positive words.
~ Stephen Richards
Once upon a time it took many years of hard work to establish a winning business, but today that time scale has been cut down to months … not years.
~ Stephen Richards
To acquire great wealth quickly you must be a person who shares generously.
~ Stephen Richards
No matter how small you start, always dream and think BIG. If you start with small thoughts then you will stay with small thoughts.
~ Stephen Richards
You have to see every unit of currency that passes through your hands as a seed to your financial future.
~ Stephen Richards
The secret to becoming wealthy and successful is thinking wealthy and successful!
~ Stephen Richards
Instead of thinking 'law of attraction', think 'unlimited abundance'.
~ Stephen Richards
The only difference, apart from heaps of cash, between someone who is wealthy and someone who is poor is having the right mindset and attitude.
~ Stephen Richards
The poor want a few dollars more - the rich focus on making more.
~ Stephen Richards
If you solely focus only on financial survival then that is where you will always be.
~ Stephen Richards
The wealthy do not focus on day-to-day short-term survival. Successful people focus on wealth building assets.
~ Stephen Richards
Do you know why the rich get richer? It’s is because they spend time with other rich people.
~ Stephen Richards
You have to learn when it’s best to delegate those hard physical jobs to others while you tackle the heavy thinking.
~ Stephen Richards
One of the biggest secrets of success is delegation. Exactly the method Sir Richard Branson uses! If it helped him become a billionaire businessman then it is worth utilizing in your own life/business, etc.
~ Stephen Richards