Never make a person feel, that he/she is very (extra) special.. Cause, then that person starts feeling that 'You' are not worth him/her.
~ Honeya
You never get possessed forever.. However painful and devastating the state/period is, you will get back to normal someday..
Share your problems with people who can help you solve them or you will only feel humiliated.
Forget about raping her, do not even force her, verbally or even emotionally.I bet you will not enjoy the act for even a moment!You will feel good only when she feels good and enjoys the act with her consent!
A real salesman knows how to engage Anyone Anywhere Anytime in a sensible conversation.
You can never learn Sales by reading books and watching videos, you can only get motivated by that.. To learn Sales (telesales) dial 300+ calls daily and (direct field sales) meet at-least 5 clients daily...Only customers can teach u sales!
In army they say Shoot to Kill and in Sales Pitch to Sell.
TeleCaller's (cold calling) job is similar to sniper's, wait patiently for the Right Party Connect/Target and make no mistake.
Sell (service or product) as if you are buying it, convince yourself first that, it is worth buying..It is very simple; u 'cannot' convince someone till the time you're not convinced
Why do we have to humiliate someone to crack a joke??? Do what u would like people to do with u..