Empty complaints are the sources of everyday failure, but not the problem being complained about. Problems are solvable; but not with complaints. A complainer is just an explainer of problems!
~ Israelmore Ayivor
Those who are growing great are always asking “why?” If they fail or lose, they ask “why?” If they succeed or win too, they ask “why?
Success becomes evident when the principles that bring about success are obeyed!
Failure of your first attempt does not mean you can't be a winner of great battles; it rather means, you must trigger only when your target is in focus.
You have no reason to give up if you haven't tried all steps in the world yet! Try again if at first you don't succeed, Try no other option, Just try again with a better approach!
DEPORT yourself from the coast of negative attitudes and you will give your dreams a lift up from a level of high concentration of repeated failure to an indelible success! God is with you!
It’s two things, you either choose to take risks through storms and win after the hail or you remain idle and die idle. Once laziness is deliberate, failure is not an accident!
The most valuable lessons in life do not come when you are walking or running. They come when you fall down. You better take them and rise up!
A positive mind is the sharpest tool that brings down the monuments of failure. The quickest way to fail is to murder your mind with negative thoughts!
When failure imprisons you for not doing what you should have done, you have no option than to bail yourself on the promise of trying again! Try again!
When you have nothing to show up for having lived for many decades, you are likely to borrow other people’s credibility which won’t fit! Live like you!
The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is that, one has preserved his potentials while the other has processed his own!
Those who broadcast your messy failures are the same people who will telecast your mass fortunes. But this can only happen when you accept your responsibility to turn your life around!
You may lose paradise, but gain heaven when you rise up and repent. The success that comes after a temporal failure is an amazing spectacular!
Leaders believe that falling is not failing, but refusal to rise up after falling is the real form of failure!
You become a leader when you believe in what you can do. The eagle believes it can soar, it doesn’t believe it can swim. The day the eagle will attempt to swim will be the day it will fail!
Failure is your inability to recognize that you have made the same mistakes again. Making a mistake is normal, it turns abnormal when it’s not recognized!
You are likely to fall when you stop paddling your bicycle. Such is life. As long as you don’t give up, you will never end up failing!
You will rise above all limitations once you begin to live life with the right attitude. People who fail and fall are the people who see difficulties in every opportunity and call it impossibility. Rise up!
Change for the better... Let your change be purposeful and determined. Never repeat steps that always make you fail. Never change a step that brings you closer to excellence! You got to make a change!
Your failure may put smiles on people’s faces while your success squeezes tears from their eyes. Don’t be deceived, it’s just a charm to entice you to fall in love with mediocrity!
Don’t embrace mediocrity, its main charm is to make you fall in love with failure. Speed off… Excellence awaits you at the end of your journey!
Failure becomes success when it finds positive minds; Tragedy becomes melody when it lands in positive hands. With positivity, possibility is assured!
Anger is the agro-chemical that makes the weeds of failure to germinate and compete with your crops of success. Don’t apply it.
Cultivate the habit of defining, refining, redefining and redeeming your opportunities. Failure is a temporal event, not a permanent trademark.
Quitters don’t gain what they have started working on, waiters don’t start what they could have gained. What is common there is failure.
On no account should you entertain being a victim of your own circumstances. When unexpected failure occurs, you can turn it into success.
Walk in faith. Do not let your doubts take the lead ahead of you, they will show you the wrong path. Being a pessimist is a failure plan uncompleted.
The first attempt may fail, but it does not create room for excuses.
Kill the fears before they endorse your failures. When you attempt to stop the terrorist at the time he's at work, you are too late!
Among the many factors that differentiate successful people from consistent failures one is paramount; when failures were sleeping, successful people where thinking!
When you are DOWN for satan, you'll be LOADED with sin... and you'll DOWNLOAD failure! You and I can't be part of that mess!
I observed that most global achievers were first time global failures. It means, when you fail at your first attempt, perhaps that is the beginning of global influence. Don't give up. Dress up and go to work!
People who enroll themselves in the schools of pride, eventually graduate with and high degree of fall. Failure employs “prides” scholars. Get rusticated now!
One of the most common areas where we fail is when we begin to think that genetic make-up of a person determines how far he can lead. Leadership is learnt and practiced!
You will arise, so start by attempting to rise. Don't give space for failure to erect local huts in your land; agree that you are constructing a global edifice there! Think possibility and be hopeful!
Your passion is measured by the difference between your willingness to take actions and your desire to quit. When your desire to quit outweighs your willingness to persist, you are ripe for failure!
The moment your dreams and your revelation take a special direction while your plans and actions take the opposite direction you commit yourself into a tight box for failure!
In most cases, failure is not determined by the obstacles we face, but by how we approach them and what our perceptions whisper to when on encountering eventualities.
When you meet failure, do you decide on backing up or backing out?. If you decide to fly, you have to back up. You have to rise up when you fall down!