The presence of crisis does not prove the absence of God. I think in time of crisis Christians should rise up and point to the world on something bigger. The crisis is an opportunity for us to proclaim to the children of darkness what we proclaim in the light.
~ Patience Johnson
God always wants us to see things from heaven's prospective. You may not be doing much to your community but what you are is so important. You are significant.
~ Patience Johnson
Five minutes after something happened might not be the best time for you to get into your Facebook and tell everybody. Men's panic does not produce God's power.
~ Patience Johnson
Conflict is much the same, injustice and inequality is nothing new to our generation only the contest has changed because not only that everyone has opinion but they also have an opportunity to voice it and that is a bit dangerous.
~ Patience Johnson
The conflict hasn't gotten worst but the contest has really changed.............
~ Patience Johnson
I have the word of God and my bible is very interesting, this book was conceived in battle, Jesus Christ our Saviour was conceived in brokenness, out of barenness to redeem a people who were in bondage to their sin. I know exactly where to go when the people start getting confused, trading lies for truth, buying injustice for justice and even when the media starts to show me the prospectives of the world that I am living in, I have my prospective from the word of God.
~ Patience Johnson
I am so happy that I grew up knowing the word of God, the spirit of discernment in me is 24hrs activated, I can differentiate between light and darkness. I put on the amour of God even when the whole world is going to hell, I refuse to join them. The light in me shall overshadow every power of darkness.
~ Patience Johnson
All of my life God has allowed me to share prospectives with people who are different. You cannot lead people whose prospective you are not willing to understand.
~ Patience Johnson
Surrounded by enemies, surrounded by evil, surrounded by darkness, injustice.......don't be afraid , those who are with us are more than those who are with them2 Kings 6:16
~ Patience Johnson
Whenever someone is a threat to the enemy there will be an attack dispatched against that person to try to minimise their effectiveness.
~ Patience Johnson
There is power in the word of God if used properly.
~ Patience Johnson
There is a remedy and there is a hope but the remedy is not in the political party or in places that will take you away from hope. You better run to God, that is the only place you can find both.
~ Patience Johnson
My advice for those of you who felt being marginalised, undervalued and taken for granted; guess what? That is the Arena where God creates Leaders.
~ Patience Johnson
I didn't come from a success lineage but I am so glad that my earthly lineage is not my final story because when I gave my life to Jesus twelve years back, God interrupted my story.
~ Patience Johnson
Parents never you make church and studying the word of God optional for your children. If they are in your house, get them up, teach them the word of God, the greatest awards, PhD or achievements any child could have is to grow up in the word of God. I and my family are living witness and it is extending to our third generation.
~ Patience Johnson
I do not have any trust fund, I have always trusted God for all my funds.
~ Patience Johnson
Gratitude without practicing maybe like practicing a faith without good work. A grateful heart is not enough without a grateful habit, because your joy is not produced by what you put in your heart but by habit you put in your life.
~ Patience Johnson
Whenever you are in transition it is always important to choose the words that you use. You call it crises in your life and I call it transition.
~ Patience Johnson
Be careful because God's gifts alone are not able to give you joy, God's gift can only bring you joy when they are joined with your gratitude.
~ Patience Johnson
All my pains has always increased my sense of purpose.
~ Patience Johnson
If God gives you a gift and you don't know what to do with it, it won't make you happy. Some of you God gave a wonderful husband but you can't make a home and some of you God gave a wonderful wife but you can't make a good husband. Some of you can't even unwrap the gift so that you can appreciate it.
~ Patience Johnson
Maybe what you need in your life is not the next level of accomplishment or the next level of accumulation but the next level of appreciation for what you have; that will set the stage to make a space for what you will accumulate in the future. ( a bit deep) Simply put thank God for now before setting the goal for tomorrow because if you grow in gifts and didn't grow in gratitude, you have gained nothing.
~ Patience Johnson
If you can feed in the presence of your enemies, if you can be blessed under the weight of burdens, when you praise God in pain, it is preparation for provision.
~ Patience Johnson
When you do away with God you become your own god, because you recognise no greater power in the universe than yourself.
~ Patience Johnson
I have graduated to the extent of not asking what is happening in my life because I trust the maker(God).
~ Patience Johnson
I have my priorities and I know my purpose. I do not Praise God because of my pain but I praise Him because of what the pain is producing.
~ Patience Johnson
When you praise God in pain, it is preparing you for provision.
~ Patience Johnson
The things I call crisis and all the things that were coming after me are all coming to serve the purpose of God in my life.
~ Patience Johnson
God made my enemies to serve me in my absence. God made the things that conspired to destroy me feed me into the place that He was preparing for me. I am a big girl and I can handle trouble and my enemies.
~ Patience Johnson
When you learn to have the heart of praise in the presence of your enemies, you set the table; if you can work with God in darkness enough depending on the light that He showed you in the last season, you will learn to read your enemies as a sign that it is time to eat. ( a bit deep). Whenever you sense a crisis in your life, note that your harvest is near.
~ Patience Johnson
God prepared a table before me in the presence of my insecurity, in the presence of my deficits, in the presence of my addictions, in the presence of my confusions, in the presence of what I have lost, in the presence of the threat that I won't make it, in the presence of my enemies, I am looking straight ahead.
~ Patience Johnson
Learn to eat with your enemies all around you but most of all thank God for his presence. Keep your eyes fixed to the presence of God in the presence of your enemies.
~ Patience Johnson
I have learned to thank God for what I cannot see, I have learned to trust God with what I cannot.
~ Patience Johnson
Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good, this is a graduated form of gratitude.
~ Patience Johnson
Do you know that you can be surrounded by all these blessings, all these relationships, goodness, provisions, opportunities? But if you don't know how to turn the blessing into praise, it will turn into pride and your life will never be filled with joy because your heart has holes in it.
~ Patience Johnson
Remember diamonds are created under pressure so hold on, it will be your time to shine soon.
~ Sope Agbelusi
Sometimes the fact that you can't sense God isn't an indication that He is not there. It is just an indication that you are hanging out in the wrong place.The cave is not a physical location, it is a state of mind.
~ Patience Johnson
You will always end up in frustration whenever you try to produce outside your purpose.
~ Patience Johnson
Sometimes God wraps destiny in what we perceive as just another day. The same day that David's father asked him to go and deliver bread to his brothers in the field was the same day that God used him to bring goliath down. Take every minute in your life serious.
~ Patience Johnson
Real faith looks beneath the surface. Real faith knows that faith works sometimes in dark places. Real faith knows that sometimes in order to see a change, you will have to steer through your situation to really see it.
~ Patience Johnson