There is no shortcut for hard work that leads to effectiveness. You must stay disciplined because most of the work is behind the scenes.
~ Germany Kent
Everything is within your power,and your power is within you.
~ Janice Trachtman
Stop caring about what other people think of you, how they perceive you, or if they approve of you. Start to focus on your inner peace.
~ Tisha Marie Payton
Preparation time is necessary for your growth. Trust and believe everything you're going through is preparing you for some request you put out into the Universe.
If ever in pain, I think the best thing we can do is to create something.
~ Kamal Ravikant
Life is a series of choices and all we can do is make them.
It is not giving up, it is accepting. And the light will enter. Always does.
Don't go through the process, but GROW through it.
~ Lakia Gordon
Your feelings are the utmost priority, your desires are more important than anyone else's deadline or mandate.
~ Regena Thomashauer
Time is an illusion, timing is an art.
~ Stefan Emunds