An idea that does not take some risks, is probably an idea not worth taking.
~ Alin Sav
Remove this quote from your collection“Humans are born to build something outrageous.
~ Kumar
Ideas become reality. once you hit that reality, you get a new idea. it's a virtuous upward spiral. However, the majority are satisfied living within the idea of the reality instead of the reality of the idea.
~ Richie Norton
Jean-Baptiste Say may have coined the term 'entrepreneur' but he totally missed the opportunity to put it on a t-shirt and sell it.
~ Ryan Lilly
One of the best ways to attract capital is to outperform the competition.
~ Alejandro Cremades
The best entrepreneurs are not the best visionaries. The greatest entrepreneurs are incredible salespeople. They know how to tell an amazing story that will convince talent and investors to join in on the journey.
Learning to embrace and savor rejection is one of the best things that entrepreneurs can do. Launching a startup is the time to find your ever-optimistic inner child again.
Business is still more often about whom you know, not what you know.
Ideas are meaningless without a masterful execution.
Don’t expect investors to be throwing millions on the table for you to go off and buy a bigger house, get a new car, party half the week away, and generally upgrade your lifestyle.
If you want to glide toward money, you have to make sure your message is clear as a bell, and you need to ensure that you have a unified team capable of communicating it.
Business success requires business preparation. You don't have to be a master tactician, but you do need to have a plan in place. This plan will act as a foundation for everything you want to achieve.
It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSTAY. Don't wait. Just ship.
Proformas rarely perform; missed projections are more often the norm. Still, we skew them up high, we miss but we try, for proformas which rarely perform.
A diligent hawker today, can be a great tycoon tomorrow
~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Believe in that One Thing That Sets You Apart: your skill, your idea or just you, yourself ! And, Never Stop Believing.
~ Bunny Naidu