You can always evaluate a man's character by the way he speaks about his ex girlfriends and other women. When entering a new relationship or getting close with a new guy, make sure you take notice of the language he uses when referring to other girls
~ Miya Yamanouchi
Making someone feel obligated, pressured or forced into doing something of a sexual nature that they don't want to is sexual coercion. This includes persistent attempts at sexual contact when the person has already refused you. Nobody owes you sex, ever; and no means no, always.
If you ever want to know how a man truly feels about you, do absolutely nothing. Then you'll have your answer.
An abuser isn't abusive 24/7. They usually demonstrate positive character traits most of the time. That's what makes the abuse so confusing when it happens, and what makes leaving so much more difficult.
Prioritise self-care & incorporate a MINIMUM of 60 mins 'ME TIME' into your daily routine. YES THERE ARE enough hours in the day. NO EXCUSES.
I see stunning men walking on the street everyday. Some walk shirtless because it's hot and they feel more comfortable that way. Do I scream out at them, beep at them or whistle? No, I smile to myself in appreciation of them and drive on by. Why? Because I believe they have the right to go about their lives without me imposing my sexual desire upon them.
Stop making someone else's looks your #goals. By all means aspire to be a better version of your current self, but don't glorify others when you yourself are glorious.
Female competition is when you are with a guy you like and you look around, see that you're the prettiest girl in the vicinity and feel a huge sense of relief that there's no one to take the attention away from you. (Female competition is a result of women feeling like their greatest sense of self worth , identity and influence comes from their sexual appeal to men. Many women don't even realise they are feeling this way and it's a subconscious thing, but they notice themselves getting jealous when they see other women who they think men would find sexually appealing.)
Female competition is when you are with a guy you like and you look around, see a girl who is prettier than you standing nearby, and think to yourself: I wish she wasn't here. -This is what happens when you attach your identity and sense of worth to the amount of male attention you receive.
Our soul is like a soft and gentle flower, it needs to be nurtured, cared for, tended to, with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and freedom to bloom into its most precious and beautiful form. This, my friend, is self-love.
Reframing your past painful experiences and seeing them in a humorous light takes away the power and emotional charge attached to the memory of the hurtful event.
You need to be your own cheer squad not your own worst enemy.
When you're having what you feel like is a bad day and then someone comes along out of nowhere and extends to you the simplest of kind gestures, you feel it so deeply within your heart.
Don't use your past history as an excuse to be miserable. Use your past as a testament to show the world just how far you have come.
Don't ever let others impose their self-limiting beliefs on to you. They don't have the courage and spirit that you do.
Take notice of what thoughts you choose to fill your mind with each day. Our thoughts draw to us whatever is dominating our mind, so always keep what you are thinking about in check.
Take notice of what thoughts you fill your mind with each day. Our thoughts draw to us whatever is dominating our mind, so always keep what you are thinking about in check.
Don't underestimate the power of a mind that is made up.
By all means be submissive in the bedroom (if you are that way inclined), but don't be submissive to life. Being life's bitch is no fun at all. Life may play up in many ways, but it's up to you to take control, take charge and put life in its place.
I do not subscribe to the abuse victim or survivor labelling mentality. I have experienced every kind of abuse imaginable and I am and always have been the most happy-go-lucky, positive and life affirming person around. Your labels do not serve you, so don't use them as an excuse to be miserable. You have a beautiful life to live, so accept the beauty and start living.
Instead of complaining about your situation, actually do something about it. Playing poor me just ain't sexy.
Whenever you hear yourself or others telling you you cannot do something, do that particular something, and notice how quickly everyone shuts the hell up.
Prove yourself and others wrong everyday by redefining who you THINK you are, through performing actions you would normally deem impossible or uncharacteristic of you.
When you notice yourself desperately trying to think of an excuse to avoid a new experience out of FEAR, ANXIETY or INSECURITY, make the decision to say: sure, I'll do it , and see how your life improves.
Be thankful to those who refuse to help you, for they force you to summon upon your warrior within.
Your past history is NOT an excuse.
The saying 'flattery gets you everywhere' appalls me. If you're going to pay someone a compliment make sure it's 100% genuine or not at all.-Flattery is deception and who wants to be lied to?
Threatening a current or former partner isn't passion, or love, or heartache. It's violence, it's abuse and it's a crime.
Male social conditioning encourages boys and men to aim to bed as many women as much so, that their self esteem and self worth become intertwined with the number of sexual partners they have; and when that number is low or even zero, so too is their self-confidence.
By all means be submissive in the bedroom (if you are that way inclined), but don't be submissive to life. Being life's bitch is no fun at all. Life may play up in many ways, but it's up to you to take control, take charge and show life who's really calling the shots.
Safe sex is an act of self love.
Exactly what are you wanting to teach your children? -How to love and care for themselves, or how to neglect and abandon themselves? Self-sarifice is NOT setting a good example.
Women aren't my competition because male attention and sexual objectification are not prizes for me.
A man's level of toughness (as assessed by other men), will determine whether or not his girlfriend will get hit on by other guys right in front of him in public places. If you're deemed a p*#%y by other guys and they want your girlfriend, even in your company she'll be considered fair game.
Be that kind of girl who smiles when you walk past other girls instead of casting a dirty look. Don't buy into the notion of female competition that society so heavily promotes.
Guys, you don't have to act manly to be considered a man; you are a man, so just be yourself. You don't have to prove your masculinity to anyone.
Guys, you don't have to act manly to be considered a man; you are a man, so just be yourself. Don't let society make you believe you have to prove your masculinity to anyone because you don't. You are you and you are worthy, full stop.
Self respect by definition is a confidence and pride in knowing that your behaviour is both honorable and dignified. When you harass or vilify someone, you not only disrespect them, but yourself also.Street harassment, sexual violence, sexual harassment, gender-based violence and racism, are all acts committed by a person who in fact has no self respect. -Respect yourself by respecting others.
Girls and guys, don't let anyone tell you who and what you should be into.
Don't tell me I'm too tall just because my height happens to threaten your rather fragile sense of masculinity. The fact that men cannot physically look down upon women who are taller than them is the very reason that many men find tall women so intimidating.