There is no where that life problem can take you that God's presence cannot reach you. There is nothing that people can do to you that can keep God from getting to you.
~ Patience Johnson
You have a standing invitation to experience God's presence but you have to pay attention because attention creates access.
~ Patience Johnson
The reason some people do not experience God in their life is the same reason that we do not notice that something is going wrong with our marriage untill we arrive in a divorce court or that something is wrong with our child until we got a phone call from the police station . Simply put....Because we do not pay attention
~ Patience Johnson
When I call on God, I am not trying to get his attention and I am not trying to get Him to notice me. In all this my journey with Him two questions usually comes to my mind, they are; am I paying attention to him or am I trying to get his attention?
~ Patience Johnson
Sometimes we are asking God to reveal his presence, provisions and purpose in our lives and we pray like we are trying to get God's attention but I think prayer has less with getting God's attention but He getting mine.
~ Patience Johnson
Evil is real but God is greater.
~ Patience Johnson
God always have a perfect way for every imperfect situations.
~ Patience Johnson
Could it be that while you are waiting for God to come down and help you, God is also waiting for you to get up? Maybe your breakthrough never happen when your situation changes but when you make a determination within yourself without excuses or blaming anybody and not waiting for anyone and stop praying that your situation change but let God change you. Let your prayer be God change me, God work in me, spring out the rivers of living water within me and I bet you, this is where the breakthrough begins.☺just a thought and something to ponder on....
~ Patience Johnson
The size of a plane does not change the weather but it will get you above it. The size of your faith may not change your situation but it will get you over it.
~ Patience Johnson
For those of you who are begging God for a breakthrough, this is not the way of getting something from your heavenly father, you don't have to beg him for what He already bought for you, you don't have to beg Him for what He died to give you. You don't have to convince people, you don't have to convince anybody if God likes to do a work in your life, it is done.
~ Patience Johnson
The more desperate the situation, the more opportunity for miracle. If you need something from God, you need to be at the right place, the right position and at the right time
~ Patience Johnson
Do you want to feel better or do you want to get well are two different things. Some people go to church to feel better but never get well. Some come to church for comfort and leave unchanged. And that is what sin represents. is a place to be comfortable thereby feeling normal in your own disfunction.
~ Patience Johnson
Stop praying to God to change your marriage or your finances because you might end up seeing that you are the one that need the change not your marriage or finances.
~ Patience Johnson
What you see and what you listen to will determine how high you will go.
~ Patience Johnson
Love, inspirational, life, humor, philosophy, truth, wisdom, happiness, god, hope, romance, death, inspirational-quotes, quotes, faith, poetry,writing, inspiration, knowledge Religion, education, success, relationships, funny, science, life-lessons, books, motivational, spirituality, dreams, fear, freedom, intelligence, friendship, humour, war, motivation, time, women, beauty, reading, art, politics, Christianity, soul, leadership, pain, change, history, people, marriage, nature, peace, music, heart, self-help, spiritual
~ Patience Johnson
It is weird to me on how people will come to church frequently and have absolutely no desire or intention to change anything about their life based on what they experienced in the church.
~ Patience Johnson
Have you ever make out time to ask God if there is anything or anybody you need to drop in your life? Are you still holding on to offences? When is the right time to drop it?I am sure once you make this attempt He will show you.I declare that God is going to set some captives free.
~ Patience Johnson
Offence is an event, offended is a decision. Offence and offended we have to live through it but to stay offended? To live in that place denies the very nature of the salvation that you claimed to have received.
~ Patience Johnson
I didn't get to God by effort or title, I got there by invitation. God can lift you quickly if you let Him. He really cares.
~ Patience Johnson
Being married or being in a close relationship is not based on how quickly you can get offended but on how you are ready to drop the offences, get over it and move ahead.
~ Patience Johnson
Before Marriage opposite attracts, after marriage opposite attacks☺. Just telling you the truth.
~ Patience Johnson
God takes two and make them one but satan takes one and make it two.
~ Patience Johnson
The closer the relationship, the greater the opportunities for intimacy. However the greater the opportunity the closer to offence. (A bit deep). Nobody can really make you mad more than someone that you really love. Nobody can hurt you like the somebody you have given your heart to.
~ Patience Johnson
You can't love me if you don't love you, you can't think of nothing to do with me if you can't think of nothing to do with yourself, stop feeling sorry for yourself and tidy up, clean up the apartment until you get a house, do that job until you build your own company. Look at what you have and think on how to make it better.
~ Patience Johnson
There is a throne up there and someone is sitting on it. It is not you, the economy or your government. My God is still on the throne and I shall not worry.
~ Patience Johnson
My faith gives me the ability to say, whatever is next, I'm ready. If it is Hillary or Trump I am ready because they might sit on the desk but they do not sit on the throne.
~ Patience Johnson
You don't have to feel grateful in order to be grateful.
~ Patience Johnson
Books and school are great for learning but there is no substitute for life and living to provide a real education.
~ Ken Poirot