A writer must find his own grain, way, bent. ...He aspires to create new and original works. His way is alone. If he succumbs to ideologies, he turns into a mouthpiece. He must hang on to his identity for dear life. In the end he must rely on his own judgment. It’s the only way to survive as a writer and an artist.
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is a simple tale, but its message is an enduring one: virtue and generosity will be rewarded in ways that one cannot know.
~ Nelson Mandela
Be the watchman of your values to safeguard your character.
~ Tasneem Haneed
The actions of our closest friends say a lot about our character—what we overlook, what we contribute to and what is important to us when the world doesn’t take notice.
~ Shannon L. Alder
A man's worth can be judged through those who dislike him.
~ Bill Loguidice
Character is less about what we do wrong And All about what we make right....
~ Navonne Johns
That is the one thing that makes me a Democrat, I suppose - this idea that our communal values, our sense of mutual responsibility and social solidarity, should express themselves not just in the church or the mosque or the synagogue; not just on the blocks where we live, in the places where we work, or within our own families; but also through our government.
~ Barack Obama
One cannot trust a path, because the path is different for each person who takes it. One can only trust a person to choose the path that best represents their values and experiences.
~ April White
It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
~ Roy Disney
Your choice is to be active or passive in your responses.
~ Deborah Day
When the citizens of a nation have been made to love and adhere to values and virtues, then they make better choices.
~ Sunday Adelaja
One of the recent arguments from design, that based on the so-called fine-tuning life of some fundamental physical constants, founders on the following objections: an extremely small prior probability merited by the God of theism in light – if that is the right word – of the Problem of Evil; the fact that it is not unreasonable to place a substantial probability on the hypothesis that a future theory will fix those values; and the sheer incoherence of computations of the ‘chances’ of fine-tuning were there no fine-tuner.
~ Colin Howson
God must have a weird sense of values, and if there’s a Judgment Day, as some folks think, He’s going to have a lot to answer for.
~ Philip Appleman
Good Values, when shared by all affiliates, are extremely motivating because everybody is performing with shared beliefs.
~ Doris Perdue-Johnson
Everything of value doesn't come with a price tag.
~ Shefali Batra
A highly developed values system is like a compass. It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost.
~ Idowu Koyenikan
I find it very sad that by the time corporate science realizes the value of nature, that it may be too late
~ Steven Magee
When someone places more value in saving money, than the value they place in saving Life, they have “misplaced” their values.
~ Donald L. Hicks
You don't need a reason to add value to somebody's life. Nor do you need to get anything back from them. You add value because it's who you are.
~ Renee Wade
Sometimes it takes you to lose something you rely have to learn the good of what you really had.
~ Auliq Ice
People attempt to create association b/n you and your values. Oh, Mary- the girl who is caring; you mean the company with quality products?
~ Assegid Habtewold
Dating is like a game. If someone feels like they have won us over too easily, they won’t see our value and will go elsewhere to find something they have to work a little bit harder for.
~ Daniel Willey
People must be valued because of what they are rather than who they are.
~ M.f. Moonzajer
The value in my room is neither my Television nor my bank note. The value in my room is myself! Why? Because even if I lose everything I have, but still get me, I am coming back with full passion and desperation to climb the unclimbed hills again and again!
~ Israelmore Ayivor
Bridges are built not to cross over it but it is built to lift you to the other side safely.
~ Edwin Lawrence
I therefore submit to you that what qualifies a person to be called a man according to God, is the ability of the individual to live by the right standard and values that heaven values. Standards like, justice, judgement, truth and equity.
Live out your life in truth and justice, tolerant of those who are neither true nor just.
~ Marcus Aurelius
In some cases we neglect our health, because we were never told about its value.
Only a prostitute will trade her valuables for money, so you shouldn't sell your God given ideas and talents for money, because you don't own it in any way but should be by a divine authority.
~ Michael Bassey Johnson
Nothing good seems easy. That is how life shapes our perception.
~ Aishah Madadiy
Happy endings happen every day we share our generosity, peace, compassion, kindness, respect, timeless love and joy with our love ones, friends and others.
~ Angelica Hopes
REAL Leaders are experts at bringing out the best in others... Thinking , feelings and actions. They improve their teams' thinking skills and Mindsets.
~ Tony Dovale
Performance depends upon our actions an behaviors, which are activated by emotions, which are created when our MINDSET meets reality... Mindsets Matter Most
With the right Mindset...effective thinking is automatic.
Through our work and play, each of us eventually becomes a personification of what we cherish in life.
~ Kilroy J. Oldster
Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
~ Harper Lee
Adharmenaidhate tabat, tato bhadrani pashyati, tatah sapatnan jayati, - samulastu vinashyati. In unrightousness they prosper, in it they find their good, through it they defeat their enemies, - but they perish at the root.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
No ideology is worth a Human life.
~ Adriano Bulla
When we honestly take stock of our ability, we are then granted the opportunity to improve our circumstance. Accessing where you stand is the only way to stand somewhere else.
~ Chris Matakas
In the history of history, there has never been someone with your particular genetic make-up or life experiences. This being the case, we have no reference points with which to compare ourselves, and therefore it is futile to attempt to measure yourself relative to others.