If the sun shone for itself, it would be blinded by its own light; if a river flowed for itself, it would be drowned by its own weight.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
The mind speaks, though it does not have lips.The heart moves, though it does not have feet.The soul rises, though it does not have wings.
The mind is a temple of knowledge, the heart is a temple of understanding, and the soul is a temple of wisdom; together they are a temple of enlightenment.
It is impossible for light to bow before darkness.
It is the roof that fights the rain, but the builder who gets all the glory.
An ugly candle that lights up a home is better than a beautiful lamp that merely decorates a room.
A bird cannot fly upward if each wing is flapping in a different direction.
Daisies that bring you joy are better than roses that bring you sorrow.
If a bird does not bring out all of the songs on its heart, all its symphonies die inside.
Light travels halfway around the world while darkness is still putting its shoes on.
Light travels half away around the world while darkness is still putting its shoes on.
When birds eat from your hand, they are letting the whole world know that they trust you.
You can curse the sun a thousand times, but cannot keep it from shining, even for a day.
You cannot drown a fish in the ocean, no matter how deep you sink it.
The spoon’s color does not change the soup’s taste.
The sky won’t shed tears if stars refuse to shine, it will wait for the sun.
It is in vain to stone the sky, no matter how big the rock is.
Noble leaders choose: wisdom over wealth, knowledge over fame, understanding over honor, virtue over titles, and people over power.
The mind speaks, thought it does not have lips. The heart moves, though it does not have feet. The soul rises, though it does not have wings.
If a tree bears sweet fruit, birds have many reasons to visit it.
If the sun needed friends to shine, it would not rule the sky alone.
Water has no mouth, but swallows many. Light has no hands, but touches many. Wind has no feet, but carries many. Darkness has no teeth, but devours many.
It is not the size of the candle that matters, but the size of its light.
When you have nothing, be hopeful; when you have little, be grateful; when you have much, be sensible; when you have everything, be humble.
If you try to test a river’s depths with both feet, you will drown.
Cockiness – the state subjective or intuitive state of self-assurance – is a sign of ignorance. Maturity comes with encountering the horrible and learning about what a person can withstand.
~ Kilroy J. Oldster
An angry wife can be more frightening than an army of disgruntled soldiers.
Marrying a stupid person is a reflection of your thoughtlessness.Marrying a clever person is a reflection of your intelligence.Marrying a wise person is a reflection of your shrewdness.Marrying a virtuous person is a reflection of your uprightness.
If you want to know how good a tree is, examine how many birds flock to feed off of its fruit.
A wife who discomforts you with truth is better than a mistress who massages you with lies.
It is the ant, not the lion, which the elephant fears.
The universe perceives itself through us, or to be more specific, through our neurons.
~ Abhijit Naskar
No matter what life throws at you, fight with your eyes wide open to fight a good fight.
~ Valencia Mackie
Patience triumphs over everything.
If you are looking at anything from one point, from one angle, you can never attain wisdom because wisdom is to see all the things from every point, from every angle!
~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
It is better to be accepted by the bright few than by the dull masses.
Be like stars; when darkness tries to stop you from shining, shine all the more.
Light cannot hide its beauty, not even in darkness.
Follow the river to reach the sea; follow the sea to reach the ocean. And finally follow the ocean to reach the wisdom! As long as you target beyond of the beyond, you will reach the very beyond!
You cannot control the ocean, but you can guide the rivers that feed it.