Looking but not seeing is the hearing but not understanding of the eye.
~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Nothing complements a fast mind better than a slow tongue. And nothing aggravates a slow mind better than a fast tongue.
Looking at what 'foreplay' is, 'sexual intercourse' is a game.
There is absolutely nothing feminine about the colour pink, or, anything bad-luck'ish about the colour black — in itself.
Faeces by any other name would smell as gross
Marriage converts a player into a polygamist.
The rich are poor without the poor's acknowledgment of money.
The definition of 'Employment' by an employer, and, that by an employee, are seldom the same.
You are. Before you are whatever you are labeled.
He who says that someone isn’t himself is a victim of statistics.
It is a sign of intellectual maturity to always crawl to conclusions.
Ambition’ is ‘greed’ rebranded.