Ocean is not supposed to be scared of the drops.
~ Amit Kalantri
Able hands' are more favorable to business than 'adorable hearts'.
~ Amit Kalantri
Good luck' is like the shadow of a tree, for some time it gives comfort to a traveler but it doesn't go ahead with a traveler.
~ Amit Kalantri
The meaning of life is not celebrating your birth, it is celebrating your work.
~ Amit Kalantri
True leaders don't give consoling answers, they take constructive actions.
~ Amit Kalantri
At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess.
~ Amit Kalantri
Creativity means bringing simplicity to the existing.
~ Amit Kalantri
Creativity is just an attraction to the second rate minds but simplification to the first rate minds.
~ Amit Kalantri
Creative minds don't follow rules, they follow will.
~ Amit Kalantri
In spite of being complicated people choose superstitions over common sense.
~ Amit Kalantri
For peace read books, for success read books and take actions.
~ Amit Kalantri
If you don't find a good teacher, find a good book.
~ Amit Kalantri
Never stop acquiring the commonsense, it is as good as the knowledge.
~ Amit Kalantri
Creative people neither like to be possessive nor like to be possessed.
~ Amit Kalantri
Man kept control over the machines he created, I wish God would have done the same with the man he created.
~ Amit Kalantri
I don't put my ideas in a meeting for acceptance or rejection, I put them in the market for success or failure.
~ Amit Kalantri
The most annoying pain is perceived when a man is living without a purpose.
~ Amit Kalantri
An anarchist government somehow creates an impression in the hearts of citizens that no one cares.
~ Amit Kalantri
Today I am leading because yesterday I was reading.
~ Amit Kalantri