Life's trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them change who you are.”~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive
~ Aaron Lauritsen
From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in life.”~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive
~ Aaron Lauritsen
True friends don't come with conditions.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
The high road of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot faster then the freeway of spite.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
The highway of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot faster then the freeway of spite.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Be a team player, not a bandwagon jumper.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the Sun will rise again tomorrow.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
The freedom of the open road is seductive, serendipitous and absolutely liberating.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness hinges on it.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
We love our partners for who they are, not for who they are not.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Explore, Experience, Then Push Beyond.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Travel is costly yes, but it pays dividends too.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
If you didn't earn something, it's not worth flaunting.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Without struggle, success has no value.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
There is no such thing as loving a child too much.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
It’s the ‘everyday’ experiences we encounter along the journey to who we wanna be that will define who we are when we get there.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Successes are those highlights of life we look back on with a smile. But it's the day to day grind of getting them that defines the laugh lines etched until the end of time. Enjoy each moment along the way
~ Aaron Lauritsen
There's more to a person than flesh. Judge others by the sum of their soul and you'll see that beauty is a force of light that radiates from the inside out.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
Building bridges is the best defence against ignorance.
~ Aaron Lauritsen
I don’t know why everyoneis still trying to find out whether heaven and hell exist.Why do we need more evidence?They exist here on this very Earth.Heaven is standing atop Mount Qasiounoverlooking the Damascene sightswith the wind carrying Qabbani’sdulcet words all around you.And hell is only four hours away in Aleppo where children’s cries drown out the explosions of mortar bombsuntil they lose their voice,their families, and their limbs.Yes, hell certainly does existright now, at this moment,as I pen this poem. And all we’re doingto extinguish this hellfireis sighing, shrugging, liking, and sharing.Tell me: what exactly does that makeus? Are we any better than the gatekeepers of hell?
~ Kamand Kojouri
There is a miracle in your mess, don't let the mess make you miss the miracle.
~ Patience Johnson
It’s when your plans look dead that God’s resurrection power begins to operate in your life in greater measure
~ Patience Johnson
God is not interested in helping you finding out why you are in a mess, He is interested in fixing it.
~ Patience Johnson
God always sees me with no make-ups on because He knew how we started.
~ Patience Johnson
There must always be an opposition because the enemy always opposes what the Lord has declared.
~ Patience Johnson
I would rather have a man chasing JESUS than a house full of stuffs and garrage filled with big cars.
~ Patience Johnson
Of what use is my going to church every day and still come home and remain the same? Of what use is my attending the mosques and the next day I enter the mall with knives and start slaughtering people in the name of religion.God is a God of variety. He was not stupid creating all of us different with our uniqueness.His creating us different shows the level of His creativity. He didn't make you white to hate black or vice versa. He made it so that we can cherish and love each other irrespective of our differences just as He loved us with all our flaws and our short comings.Can we forgive those who have offended us? Yes and some will say no but never forget that you are not worthy but God still forgives you even till the last hour of your life.If God can love us against all our atrocities why can't we learn to love one another.Take a look around you, you can only see sad faces. Was that really God's intention for us on earth? Absolutely not. But we have remoulded God's creativity to suit our taste and lifestyles and now we are reaping the fruit of our labour. You should not expect to reap love when you sowed the seed of hatred. What a man sows that he reaps. We sowed on weapons of war and we are yielding war in return. We have sowed on weapons of destruction so why are we asking for peace.If you ask me....I will say let's go back to our source. He has never lost any battle. I am a living witness.
~ Patience Johnson
I am amazed upon the many battle that we engage in, be it money, control or matters of the heart, only very few of us knows how to fight in the right way or understand who we are really fighting against. To win any battle you' ve got to have the right strategy and resources because victories don't come by accident.
~ Patience Johnson
All the failures in my life freed me from all my fears so that I can succeed.
~ Patience Johnson
I am a bit old fashion but I believe in prayer, I believe prayer can move mountain. Prayer might not be our responsibility but it is a good starting place. It can give us heaven's prospectives on human problems. I know we need to do a bit more than pray but that doesn't mean we don't need to pray.
~ Patience Johnson
Sometimes what not to do is more important than what to do. Sometimes when you are in crisis, when frustration are high or when you are under pressure, what you don't do is more important than what you do. Don't be afraid. ....
~ Patience Johnson
If you never listen, you can't see. The devil has got so many people so disconnected that they cannot even listen or even sense when the Lord is speaking.
~ Patience Johnson
Christians we cannot be allowed to be fractured at a time like this. There are more of us, there are more of light in us than in the agents of darkness.
~ Patience Johnson
Man's panic does not produce God's power.....sometimes you need to pray before you post on social media.
~ Patience Johnson
At a time like this maybe the world is looking at us not just at a miracle crusade or sunday church service but the way we are living. Maybe they want to see whether what our Master left for us worked for us; there is a counter spirit to the spirit of fear, it is the love of God.
~ Patience Johnson
This is not the first time that the world has been in a mess but you are still God, you left us on the earth, not only to preach in a building but to be the church beyond the buildings.
~ Patience Johnson
Before we can fix the situation, we have to first see the situation, the world can't see straight right now, some are blinded by hatred, rage, fear, scepticism, some are blinded by their pains.We need to pray...pray that God open our eyes to see the problem from the source and not from the surface.You cannot solve a situation that you cannot see correctly.
~ Patience Johnson