It is still cheating, even if nobody comes.
~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The mental mist of ambiguity and the fog of ambivalence hamper human existence.
~ Kilroy J. Oldster
A pensive personality and ambivalent attitude towards power and money can cause other people to take a high production or creative person for granted.
The unconscious operation of the attachment system via internal working models probably plays an important part in the choice of marital partner and relationship patterns in marriage. Holmes (1993) has described a pattern of 'phobic-counterphobic' marriage in which an ambivalently attached person will be attracted to an avoidant 'counter-phobic' spouse in a system of mutual defence against separation anxiety.
~ Jeremy Holmes
If we stop helping people because we’re afraid, or ambivalent or whatever, then we lose. Let them do evil. I’ll stop them.
~ Brandon Sanderson