Fashion doesn't make you perfect, but it makes you pretty.
~ Amit Kalantri
Texting is not talking and a phone is not a friend.
~ Amit Kalantri
The purpose of a profession is to fulfil the personal wishes of a prospect.
~ Amit Kalantri
Dresses won't worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for.
~ Amit Kalantri
Dresses don't look beautiful on hangers.
~ Amit Kalantri
It's time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses you on the forehead.
~ Amit Kalantri
A poor, who hates power, once become powerful, hates poor.
~ Amit Kalantri
If your prudence stops you every time from taking an action, then you are no more prudent, you are frightened.
~ Amit Kalantri
Hands can cook, hands can create, hands can kill. There is no better tool than our hands.
~ Amit Kalantri
Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself.
~ Amit Kalantri
Hunger gives flavour to the food.
~ Amit Kalantri
With right fashion, every female would be a flame.
~ Amit Kalantri
Diet food is not a meal its a medicine.
~ Amit Kalantri
All worries are less with wine.
~ Amit Kalantri
Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories.
~ Amit Kalantri
The salt is to the food, what soul is to the body.
~ Amit Kalantri
A good food is mouthwatering when you see it and finger licking when you eat it.
~ Amit Kalantri
We love our mother because she cares and also because she cooks.
~ Amit Kalantri
Any girl with a grin never looks grim.
~ Amit Kalantri
An old fashioned outfit is not a costume, it's a comedy.
~ Amit Kalantri
You cannot choose your face but you can choose your dress.
~ Amit Kalantri
During your struggle society is not a bunch of flowers, it is a bunch of cactus.
~ Amit Kalantri
In the business people with expertise, experience and evidence will make more profitable decisions than people with instinct, intuition and imagination.
~ Amit Kalantri
Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get better.
~ Amit Kalantri
The smell of the sweat is not sweet, but the fruit of the sweat is very sweet.
~ Amit Kalantri
The mistakes of the world are warning message for you.
~ Amit Kalantri
Don't mention your move before you make a move.
~ Amit Kalantri
The decision is your own voice, an opinion is the echo of someone else's voice.
~ Amit Kalantri
Fear of failure is fiction, face this fact and fear will fall.
~ Amit Kalantri
A powerful process automatically takes care of progress, productivity and profits.
~ Amit Kalantri
In general, poor is polite and rich is rude.
~ Amit Kalantri
Anything which you have in profusion is poison
~ Amit Kalantri
Prudence is precaution, prudence is protection.
~ Amit Kalantri
Most of the people readily accept the principle but resist its practice.
~ Amit Kalantri
An assembly is extra slow in taking actions.
~ Amit Kalantri
If where you are is worthwhile then where you are from doesn't matter.
~ Amit Kalantri
For few matters you need to be solo, for some matters you need soul mate and for many matters you need society
~ Amit Kalantri
If she says goodbye, someone else will say hi.
~ Amit Kalantri
Music shouldn't be just a tune, it should be a touch.
~ Amit Kalantri
Routine ruins the life, variety vitalise the life.
~ Amit Kalantri